I am currently a postdoctoral researcher working in the Human-Computer Interaction Group at the University of Konstanz. My research within the SFB TRR161 "Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing" focuses on meaningful combinations of devices and modalities (i.e., Complementary Interfaces) for individual and collaborative scenarios as well as on the measurement of cognitive workload in interactive systems. I study how humans interact with multiple devices and modalities, the cognitive demands these interactions impose, and how their design can enhance the user experience.
I studied Business Information Systems (B.Sc.) at Furtwangen University and Information Engineering with a focus on Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.) at the University of Konstanz and Linköping University. My dissertation on "Evaluating Complementary Interfaces as a Design-Informing Activity" received highest honors (summa cum laude).
I am also a photographer who loves being in nature—whether in the mountains, by the water, or in the woods. I try to capture the beauty in moments and details that often go unnoticed.
Please find a full list of my publications on Google Scholar.
Johannes Zagermann (2024).
PhD Thesis, University of Konstanz
Daniel Immanuel Fink, Moritz Skowronski, Johannes Zagermann, Anke Verena Reinschluessel, Harald Reiterer, and Tiare Feuchtner (2024).
ISS' 24: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Issue ISS
Thomas Kosch, Jakob Karolus, Johannes Zagermann, Harald Reiterer, Albrecht Schmidt, and Paweł W. Woźniak (2023).
ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 55, Issue 13s
Please find more photos on my Instagram account @jozagermann.